The Best Thing Ever
Posts: 29
I rock.
« on: February 25, 2008, 07:20:39 pm » |
You read the title. At least you should have.
Scout: 20 wealth Engineer: 20 w Scientist: 30 w Spearman (1 = 50 men): 12 w Archers (1 = 50): 13 w Swordsmen (1 = 50): 12 w Mounted Archers (1 = 30 men+horses): 22 w Mounted Spearmen (1 = 30): 20 w Musketeers (1 = 50 men): 20 w Dragoons (1 = 30 men+horses): 27 w Machine Gunners (1 = 50 men): 100 w Snipers (1 = 20 men; half snipers half spotters): 100 w Rocket Launcher men(1 = 20 men; half launchers half loaders):1030 w Flamethower men (1 = 30): 100 w Fighter or Bomber Planes (1 = 3 planes): 400 w, 1 steel Space Shuttle: 1,500 w, 10 steel, 3 oil per launch Armed Shuttle: 2,500 w, 15 steel, 6 oil per launch Satellite: 900 w, 5 steel Tanks (1 = 5 tanks): 300 w, 1 steel, .5 oil Light Artillery (1 = 5): 250 w, 1 steel .5 oil Heavy Artillery (1 = 3): 350 w, 1 steel, .5 oil Mechs (1 = 2 mechs): 600 w, 3 steel, 1 oil Mobile Anti-Aircraft (1 = 5): 200 w, 1 steel, .5 oil
More on this later.
EDIT: Now that the game has progressed to the Interstellar Age, massive inflation is driving up unit costs.